
Beautycounter is a cosmetic and personal care company that was founded in 2013 with a mission to provide safer and cleaner beauty products. The company offers a wide range of makeup, skincare, and bath and body products that are made with high-quality, safer ingredients.

What is it?

Beautycounter has developed a list of more than 1,800 potentially harmful ingredients that it prohibits from use in its products, which it calls "The Never List." The company also advocates for stronger regulation of the beauty industry and works to educate consumers about the potential dangers of certain ingredients.

  • Want free stuff? Really good quality and clean free stuff? Me too. Hosting is a great way to earn your favorite Beautycounter products as well as sharing safer and clean beauty products with your friends, family, and community. Here are the basic steps to successfully host:

    Set a date and time: Coordinate with me to schedule and choose a date and time that works best for you and your guests.

    Invite guests: Send invitations to your guests, either via email or social media. Be sure to include the date, time, and location as well as a brief description of what the event will entail. (I can help with that!)

    Prepare your space: Pick a table or display and I will set up the Beautycounter products. Make sure there is plenty of space for your guests to move around comfortably.

    Provide refreshments: It's always a nice touch to offer light refreshments, such as water, tea, or healthy snacks, for your guests to enjoy while they browse the products.

    Host (easy): On the day of the pop-up, welcome your guests and introduce them to me. I will encourage them to try out the products and ask questions.

    Follow up: I got this! I will follow up with guests about their orders and any future Beautycounter needs.

  • Want to meet one on one? I am available via zoom to help you meet your skincare and beauty needs. This is the fun stuff. No charge, no pressure to buy, just a way to gain education and insight into what Beautycounter is all about.

  • If you want to become a Beautycounter consultant with ME, I do not take that decision lightly. You have choices. If you want to have some fun, learn about clean beauty and believe in the mission of the brand, then let’s connect.


Will my friends get tons of spam?

What if no one is interested?

Will I have to buy a certain amount of product to maintain ambassadorship?


Can I actually make a meaningful income?

Spamming your friends is not a thing. People are always concerned about bothering with texts and emails. It is simple - everyone uses personal care products, we just inspire our people to use safer alternatives!

You will have clients. If it is fun for you to talk about wellness and/or skincare, clients will come naturally.

You do not need to make a personal purchase each month to get paid. And there is no minimum you need to sell each month to keep your status as a consultant. I'm not sure why put people ask me this.

You can make good money as a Beautycounter consultant! If you decide you want to build a business that brings in significant income, then you have the potential to earn quite a bit. If you treat it as a hobby or don't put the time and effort into it, the return will be minimal. Which is also fine! I started as a hobbyist and loved it! You can get the discount and share it with a few friends, that's great. If you want to go all in and work towards a 6-figure income, that awesome, too. To see more about the earnings and costs of Beautycounter Consultants, please view the 2020 Income Disclosure Statement here.


  • I am a child psychologist in private practice. I thought taking a class on how to teach yoga to young children would aid me in helping others in a different way than my psychological training. Halley’s class was a great experience! She made it experiential and accessible to someone like me, who comes from outside the yoga training world. I learned some new ways to incorporate mindfulness into my psychology practice. It was a lot of fun! I would highly recommend this training to other mental health professionals who work with children and families.

    — Melissa Korland, Ph.D.

  • Halley provided extensive examples of age appropriate activities and engaging lessons for our targeted age group. She continues to network and share opportunities within the community after the training. This experience is extremely beneficial for yoga instructors, educators and anyone interested in working with children!

    Katie Mann, Special Education Teacher, M.Ed.

  • I highly recommend littleOMie Kids Yoga Teacher Training. I have been teaching kids yoga using the method and tools I learned since almost immediately after completing the training. It has allowed me to build classes that are well-rounded, educational and SO MUCH FUN! The kids I teach absolutely love learning about yoga and can't wait to come back. Not only that, Halley continues to stay in touch, offering advice and continued job opportunities.

    — Rebecca Marich, Yoga Instructor 200 E-RYT

  • Halley has encouraged and inspired me to go further in my yoga journey and learn how to teach kids yoga. Her children’s program was insightful and full of rich content. She created an environment where I felt seen and heard and made it fun at the same time. Halley has continued to support me even after my kids yoga certification was complete. I’ve reached out several times since our training with random questions and she’s promptly responded and continued to provide valuable feedback. She’s a wonderful human, teacher, friend and resource!

    — Jaclyn z. Yoga teacher ryt 200

  • I am glad that I have Halley's Kids Yoga Teacher Training in my tool belt. She gave us a lot of great games and activities to engage the kids with, but the things that have stuck with me the most are the rules and guidelines that go along with working with children. This is priceless information that every yoga teacher should be aware of. Halley's training was fun and efficient and two years later she is still available to me if I have any questions or concerns regarding a class.

    Amy Stover, Yoga Instructor 500 E-RYT

  • Halley’s littleOMie trainings were incredibly beneficial to me as a yoga instructor and teacher. I was looking for more age specific activities to utilize and she definitely delivered. I especially appreciated the special needs yoga training. Halley’s knowledge, experience, energy and enthusiasm made the trainings not only informative but fun!

    —Missy Fitzgerald, Yoga Instructor 200 Hour E-RYT

  • Halley F. created a Yoga and Mindfulness Program for CMSD's Early Childhood Development (Ages Pre-K / Kindergarten). This program allowed the children to explore movement and breathe in a fun and supportive environment while implementing strategies to support self-regulation, increased focus and a greater connection to their peers. Halley and her staff were very professional, and our educators were happy to have this yoga program as part of our summer school program.

    -Amy Wollack, Early Childhood Assessment and Accountability Manager for CMSD